As we begin closing out 2010 and welcoming in 2011, I thought it would be good to reflect on that I have learned the past 7 months while being part of the writing team of this blog...
1. Meg is a lot tougher than I am! Did you see her plank post? Or the Stadium Stompers? Definitely someone to look up to.
2. Ashlee is a lot braver than I am! She had a baby in September and posted about her weight struggles. What an amazing example!
3. teachergirl is teaching herself (and me) to relax. Being pregnant is not an easy task, but she is focusing on staying healthy and making a nice little home for her baby.
I think perhaps the most important thing that I have learned from writing and working with these ladies is this whole "healthy living" idea is exactly that: healthy LIVING. It is in our daily struggles and successes that we are able to achieve greatness. Its about the journey, not how quickly the goal can be achieved.
Within this blog, you will find our successes and failures. But most importantly, you will find our individual journeys. Be sure to look into our archives and see what we have been through and what we have to offer...
A little reference:
For those interested in the exercise: click here
For the culinary-minded: click here
For those dealing with stress, we are here to help: click here
For those who are ready to kick start their healthy living, we offer some advice: click here
Most importantly...
MERRY CHRISTMAS!! are a rockstar. i think we all look up to you more than you know!