
Thursday, December 2, 2010

10 for '10 Midpoint Checkin

 If you recall, in late October I started a 10 for ’10 challenge, and set healthy goals for the final 10 weeks of the year. Well, we are at the midpoint right now, so I thought an accountability check-in was in order.

All of my goals are slightly off after a week with family for Thanksgiving, but rather than beat myself up about it, I always allow myself an opportunity to make up a missed workout (or two). Honestly, that is something that was initially hard for me. In the past, I would tell myself, “Well, you missed it. You stink. You fail.” But I made a conscious decision in the last year that thinking like that didn’t benefit anyone, especially me. I had to find a middle ground though…I can’t go into goals thinking “I have a pass if I mess up, it’s no big deal,” but I also can’t beat myself up for a misstep.  

With my goal of swimming laps once a week, I have been doing pretty well. Not perfect…but pretty well. But let me tell you, as the temperature drops here in Florida, it becomes harder and harder to get myself to the gym for laps…because I immediately start dreading the walk back to the car with wet hair. But I know that the payoff (a totally physically draining workout) will be worth it.

My goal of 3 cardio and 3 strength workouts has been going good, but my goal of attending 5 yoga/pilates classes is quickly heading in a bad direction. I am bummed to say that 5 weeks in, I haven’t been to one of either! I need to get on the ball with that. I still haven’t been to another swim stroke clinic, so that is on my December to-do list as well. I have been reading a book on Clean Eating, but I imagine that I will be put to the side for the next two weeks, as I’ll be in the midst of final exams. There will be plenty of time at toward the end of the month to wrap that up though.

Some lessons I’ve learned in the past few weeks:

-Constantly trying to beat my personal record (PR) while running is what drives me to despise running. I need to focus on running for the workout, not running for the PR.
-I need new sneakers
-Food journaling 4 days a week is much more time consuming than I remember

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