When I was growing up my mom always hassled me about saying thank you. It was important to her that her bratty little kid grew some kind of a grateful heart. She would sit me down and have me write out "thank you" cards and listen as she made me make "thank you" phone calls. And lest I forget just how blessed a little girl I was, she would remind me over and over with stories of little kids who had nothing.
All of my mom's hard work paid off because my heart is now truly overfilled with gratitude for all the things I've been blessed with. Because Thanksgiving is right around the corner, I'd like to share with you some of the things that make living healthy a little bit easier that I'm especially thankful for.
I'm incredibly thankful for a supportive husband who really will do everything in his power to help me reach and accomplish my goals. Whether it's completing the Couch to 5k program or crocheting a blanket, he's by my side cheering me on along the way.
I'm thankful to be the mother of two beautiful, healthy little girls who give me all the motivation I need to be healthy. I would do anything for these girls, even eat vegetables and exercise (haha!).
I'm thankful for the technology of today to allow me to listen to music and connect on the world wide web with new and old friends alike. Without music, any exercise would feel like it takes hours to complete. And without the internet, well, I really don't know what I would do without the internet! Pretty much every workout DVD or program I've done has been bought after reading reviews or recommendation online.
I'm thankful to live in a safe neighborhood where I can walk and run outside without feeling like someone's going to hurt me.
I'm thankful for Meghan's green monster blog post. I know spinach is awesome. But it's yucky. I hate it. But guess what... I'm drinking 3 cups a day in a smoothie every morning, thanks to the green monster. Try it!
I'm thankful for all the ladies contributing on this blog, and all of our readers. I really do glean so much support from you all. Thank you.
Happy Thanksgiving!!
I am grateful that you are grateful for the green monster. I have yet to try it...it scares me!!