
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

oh hi.

hello again!

i'm emerging from the blogging hiatus to poke my head in and tell you that exciting things have happened today.

my doctor said i can resume normal activities, which in my mind meant I CAN GO BACK TO THE GYM!

i am so excited. i have lost half of the baby weight just by, you know, having the baby, but the rest of it has caused my pants to not fit at all, which is frustrating to say the least but even more frustrating when that's usually what happens with pants normally. it's a whole saga, me and pants, and so to have no pants to wear is ANNOYING and DEPRESSING.

so tomorrow, i'm back to body combat.  i am SO excited. 

i may die, but i'll die trying.

i'll be back next week to start chronicling my journey back to post-baby fitness as well as a few thoughts on new motherhood, and i think next week we might be unveiling what we've been thinking about doing with SMMWR.  i think you'll like it, and i think you'll likely find it to be an even more awesome place to come and stay a while.

it's nice to be back! 

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