I consider myself to be a healthy person, but I’m always making new goals and looking for new things to try. I think those are HUGE keys to healthy living. No one ever reaches “optimal health” – there are always ways to improve – but the kicker is your body requires continual maintenance. And if one thing doesn’t work for you, try something else, anything else really…
I’d like to share my recent experience. I was a runner – nothing crazy like a marathoner – but I enjoyed a 2-3 mile jog a couple times a week. It was my main form of exercise and stress relief. I say “was” because in June of last year I re-dislocated my knee cap. This has been a problem since I was 12, but this time was worse and instead of a few weeks for me to get back to running, it’s been 6 months and I still can’t run. In August, I also started a brand new, full time job at a hospital that is very physically demanding and by the time I get home I’m too tired that I wouldn’t be able to run even if I wanted too. And if that weren’t enough, in September, I got engaged and had the pressure of planning my dream wedding in 3 months! Not to mention get in shape for the wedding dress!
When the heck was I going to exercise for 30 min, 3 times a week? How would I find time to plan and cook decently healthy meals everyday? Good question. I didn’t. BUT strangely enough, I’m probably in the best shape I’ve been in…ever.
I think what happened is that, due to those new circumstances, I couldn’t do things the way I was used to doing them. I had to think outside the box and maximize my resources.
I made a rule not to eat past 9pm.
I started going on walks, not runs…and I was walking everywhere.
I took 15 minutes in my lunch break at work to do strengthening exercises for my arms, legs, and core.
I ate smaller quick meals like an apple with peanut butter or pita chips with hummus.
These are just a few things that I found to be helpful and in the future I hope to elaborate more on some of these new “philosophies” of mine. But bottom line is I had to change my way of thinking, explore different options, and take advantage of what resources I had.
In my case, I was kind of forced to do things a little differently, but I’m grateful for the opportunity to have to think outside the box! I truly believe there is always something you can do to improve your health no matter how small it may seem. What new thing can you try this week?
I loved this post! I like Alina's philosophies and agree that being healthy takes small steps. Great post and thanks for the ideas and information!